Monday, January 14, 2008


Jan.14.2008 - This was the question posed by our General Manager, Terry Fahy, at the quarterly luncheon. We must recognize that our daily challenges are learning tools that will help us develop our skills and enrich our character.

As mentioned by Terry, we also have five outstanding elements here that reminds us that Salem L.A. is up to the challenge:
  1. We have great broadcast facilities. Our 5 stations signals cover16 million people!
  2. We broadcast the highest quality programming anywhere. Something you can be proud of and will not go out of style.
  3. We have the most loyal radio audiences in the market.
  4. We have the tools to win. The highest quality production facilities, the best traffic and automation systems, outstanding research and training, great offices and atmosphere to work in, and the best food.
  5. Finally we have the best people. Literally hundreds of years of radio experience is represented in this room. From Programming to production to traffic to promotions to engineering to technical to sales to management-- hand chosen by me, so you must be good!

As the saying goes, "there's always room for improvement," so in order to put ourselves in the right perspective, Terry provided us with the Eight Habits of Successful People:
  • Improve our people skills. Successful people know how to get along with others.
  • Get rid of negative attitudes. They bring you down and those around you. Attitude is a choice. Successful people always believe the glass is half full.
  • Stay focused. A wise man once said “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Or as they say on the grid iron: “keep your eye on the ball.” Keep the main thing the main thing. Don’t be distracted by what others are doing or not doing.
  • Be willing to change. “Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.”
  • Avoid the shortcut mindset. There are no shortcuts to long term success.
  • Stop relying on talent alone—add a strong work ethic.
  • Be discerning. Avoid impulse decisions. Get your information right before judging people or situations.
  • Set goals. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Start dreaming!

Fourth Quarter 2007 Award Winners

KTIE 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Barbie Anderson (left), with KTIE Manager Brad Anderson

KTIE 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Brian Hoerning

KTIE 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Matt Sperrazza


KFSH/KKLA 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipients (pictured from left to right) Tina L. Turner, Jenny Estebo, and Donna Hoerning with KFSH/KKLA Program Director Chuck Tyler

KFSH 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Kyle Jelinek (left)
with Director of Sales, Bill Price

KFSH 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Tim Whitaker

KKLA 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Steve Geiger

KKLA 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Terry Harris (left) with General Sales Manager, Richard Kennedy

Not pictured: Brad Solomon - Board Operator of the Month: October

KRLA 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Chet Thompson (left), with sales manager Mark Pennington

Not pictured: KRLA 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipients
R.J. Beaton and Greg Stirling


Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Rich Mortensen (left) with V.P. Director of Technical Operations, Jim Tinker

Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Jake Nyman

Creative Department

Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Blaine Parker (left) with Director of Creative Services, Dave Deno

Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Fran Tunno


Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Art Martinez (left) and KRLA/KTIE Program Director, Craig Edwards

KRLA/KTIE Board Operator of the Month for December, John Ramos

Not Pictured: Brian Opre - Board Operator of the Month: November

Traffic/Continuity Department

Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient Danielle Debay


Salem L.A. 4th Quarter 2007 performance award recipient
Roland L. Wiley, with Executive Office Manager, Balvina Sheffield


Monique Tecson!

Because of her hard work and dedication not only to her department but to Salem L.A., Monique will receive a $150 American Express Gift Card and a promotional spot that will play on all Salem L.A. stations, talking about her contribution to making Salem L.A. great! Congratulations, Monique!

Our next quarterly luncheon will be Monday, April 14th at 11:30 AM, hosted by the KKLA Sales Department!